
Understanding the local economy – industries, occupations, demographics – is key to making smart investments in recruitment, training, and workforce services. Labor market information can give you the intelligence you need to make informed decisions.

Whether it is studying data in your area or reading publications about the impacts on various community events or studies, information can be an intricate part of your decisions from career planning to business operations.


Real Role of Workforce Boards Report
Prepared by: California Workforce Association

A Review of Industry and Employment Trends in Solano County

Six (6) months into the novel coronavirus 2019 (COVID) pandemic, Solano County, like many communities, is facing historically high unemployment and severe financial strain within the business community. Business shutdowns imposed to reduce the spread of the pandemic have had a troubling effect on Solano County’s economy and community. This publication provides a comprehensive analysis of unemployment and industry trends to provide a better understanding of the magnitude of COVID’s labor impacts in Solano County.

It is important to recognize that Solano County is not alone in facing these employment and industry challenges. Many of Solano County’s unemployment and business impacts are reflective of both the Bay Area region and the state of California as a whole. In addition, Solano County’s employment is tied to the regional economy due to its high level of commuters focuses specifically on the data and impacts within Solano County.

Small Busines Grant Program

Recognizing that many of Solano County’s small businesses were facing significant financial impacts and layoffs due to COVID-19, the Solano County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved $2 million in CARES Act funding in August 2020 and an additional $300,000 in November 2020 to be allocated for a small business grant program coined “Rebuild Solano’s Small Business Grant Program”. The County partnered with the Workforce Development Board of Solano County (WDB) and the Solano Small Business Development Center (SBDC)to administer the funds. The goal of the funds was to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 on the community’s small businesses, assist them in pivoting their business operations to effectively respond to the changing environment, and to ensure equity in the dissemination of funds.

We are proud to share some of the journeys our county’s small businesses have faced during COVID-19. They represent businesses across our cities, industries, and demographics. They are stories of resiliency, determination, and innovation amidst crisis. We have been proud to join in partnership with the County of Solano to support our businesses during these times.

Solano Disconnected Youth Research Report

Data surrounding youth disconnection in Solano County is minimal. To aid in developing strategic programs and policies around Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Out-of-School Youth service delivery, the WDB contracted Jobs for the Future to conduct quantitative and qualitative research on youth disconnection in the county.