Adult Programs
Do you need additional assistance finding employment?
The Workforce Development Board of Solano County (WDB) provides intensive services for job seekers who want to begin, advance and even change their careers. Partner with a Placement Coach or Employability Specialist to create a customized action plan to develop skills that meet today’s job market, utilize today’s job search tools, and land employment opportunities.
Priority of services are given to veterans and eligible spouses.
The Adult programs provide individual services to individuals 18 years of age and older. Services are based on individual needs and goals, amd may include:
- Individual employment planning
- Customized job search resources and support
- Assessment of skills and aptitudes
- Skills training
- Job placement connections to employers
- Opportunities to earn a wage while learning new skills
- Access to job fairs and specialized recruitments
- Wrap-around supportive services
- Post-employment support
Job Seekers interested in Adult Programs must:
- Meet eligibility requirements for Adult Programs
- Provide progress documentation and connect with your Employability Specialist or Placement Coach regularly
- Share the good news when you land a job!
- Check in with your Retention Specialist periodically for up to a year after you start your new career

Skills Training
If your skills need updating, connect with training opportunities that can help jump start your career. Skills Training can lead to an in-demand occupation through an approved network of training providers.
Receive career guidance and possibly financial assistance to help with your training-related costs including:
- Tuition and fees of the training provider
- Books and supplies required to be used in training
- Uniforms and tools required while in training
- Certification/licensure fees required after completion of training
Job Seekers interested in training assistance must:
- Meet with an Employability Specialist to make sure training is the right fit for you
- Participate in training that is on the Eligible Training Provider list
- Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) when enrolling in programs that are eligible for federal financial aid
- Meet admission requirements of the training provider and be accepted into the training program of interest
Job Coaching
If you have the skills needed to get back to work but need a little more help navigating the job search process, partner with a Placement Coach to receive customized job search coaching and connections.
Job Coaching may include:
- Career exploration and Planning
- Resume review and customization
- Interviewing feedback and skills
- Networking assistance
- Job placement connections to employers
- Access to specialized recruitment events
- Group Coaching Sessions
The Adult Programs serve individuals who are 18 years and older and are eligible to work in the United States. In addition, individuals must meet specific program requirements.
For skills training or job coaching, individuals must meet one of the eligibility requirements under WIOA Adult or WIOA Dislocated Workers:
WIOA Adult – individuals who are:
- Registered, if applicable, with the Selective Service System – applies to all men born after January 1, 1960
- Note: priority is given to low-income individuals, individuals who struggle with academics or English, individuals with a disability, and veterans.
WIOA Dislocated Worker – individuals who:
- Have been laid-off, individually or as part of a business closure;
- Have been providing unpaid services to family members in the home and have been dependent on the income of another family member but is no longer supported by that income;
- Were self-employed and became unemployed due to economic or natural conditions;
- Is the spouse of an eligible member of the Armed Forces on active duty, and who has experienced a loss of employment as a direct result of relocation; or
- Is the spouse of a member of the Armed Forces on active duty and who is unemployed or underemployed and is experiencing difficulty in obtaining or upgrading employment.
The WDB may need to request additional documentation to verify informaiton provided during the application process.
Have additional questions on which program best fits your needs?
Speak to a Navigator
Brian Green, 707-419-7414 or
For eligibility or to begin your application:
Dawna Ferneau, 707-419-2634 or or complete a Request for Information form here to receive additional information.