In these post-pandemic times, the WDB and AJCC continue to work hard to offer services to our business and working community both in-person and virtually for your safety and convenience. We are happy to be a part of the recovery and growth of Solano County’s workforce and hope our workshops and programs will help you during your journey.
Click on the icon to find the next workshop date, or to learn who to contact for more information.
Don’t forget to visit the Events & Workshops calendar for current and upcoming events and workshops.
Advanced Manufacturing Training
The following Solano Community College courses will be offered this spring (Jan. 15 – May 14, 2025) and are included in this special no-cost training opportunity.
ADVM 130 Mechanical Systems – Introduction to mechanical power systems and mechanical power transmission as it applies to mechatronics. Studies include mechanical theory and power, thermal systems, and hand tools.
ADVM 164 Programmable Logic Controls – An introduction to process control via Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC’s) that includes the popular Allen-Bradley PLC system.
For more information on this opportunity, please contact Cynthia Seals-Roper at 707-863-3591 or email croper@solanowdb.org.
Occupational Mobility Explorer
The enhanced Occupational Mobility Explorer, from the Federal Reserve Banks of Philadelphia and Cleveland, helps workers visualize career paths by mapping how skills from lower-paying jobs can transition into higher-paying roles within local markets. Covering nearly 600 job titles across 500+ U.S. locations, the tool highlights shared skills, additional training needs, median wages, degree requirements, and growth projections. It also provides local job postings and resume resources to support career development.
Start exploring your potential career trajectory today!
Want to test your computer skills? This FREE tool will allow you to test your essential computer skills, essential software skills, and daily life technology.
Visit https://www.digitalliteracyassessment.org/ to begin your FREE assessment! To save your results, be sure to scroll down to the middle of the page in the Take an Assessment section and enter WDB’s PIN: EV2N
Contact Sheryl Cutler at 707-863-3598 or scutler@solanowdb.org for assistance.
Build Your CNA Workforce with CNAP
The Certified Nurse Assistant Program (CNAP) is a 5-year multi pronged initiative focused on increasing the CNA workforce across California. CNAP offers resources to employers to create a sustainable employee pipleing and foster CNA retention through career advancement opportunities.
Facilites that are CDPH approved for facility-based CNA training or those contracted with community-based CNA training programs may qualify for Earn and Learn funds.