The Workforce Development Board of Solano County (WDB) is accepting applications to expand the California Statewide Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) of training providers operating in Solano County.
The training programs must be in locally or state defined demand occupations. Training programs must achieve a minimum 70% entered employment rate or higher in the training occupational area within two years of nomination and maintain that rate every year thereafter.
Qualified Training Providers will be included on the statewide list and become eligible to receive referrals of individuals eligible for subsidized training under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).

It is required that Training Providers be accredited by a State of California accrediting organization before any application will be considered for nomination.
If your school is not a public education entity or a facility providing a Department of Apprenticeship Standards (DAS) registered apprenticeship training program (, then you must also be registered with the California Department of Consumer Affairs’ Bureau of Private Post-Secondary Education (
Training Providers interested in having their Programs nominated to the statewide approved list must:
- Register by creating an account in CalJOBS℠, if you are not a registered USER in CalJOBS℠;
- Enter the required School Information into CalJOBS℠ (if the school does not exist in CalJOBS℠);
- Enter the required Training Program Information into CalJOBS℠;
- Submit to the WDBSC, a completed Training Provider Data Change Request along with the following documents:
- Current Accreditation Letter from a State of California recognized accreditation institution,
- Current BPPE Approval Letter (if applicable),
- Current Liability Insurance, and
- Training Program Expense Detail Sheet for each training program.
Send the documentation package via email to

WDBSC staff will determine the eligibility of each program(s) in accordance with the State of California Directive(s) and our local procedures.
Inclusion on the statewide and local ETPL does not guarantee your school or training program will receive referrals from Solano County WIOA clients. Our policy drives for “informed” customer choice when choosing a school and training program. Our participants will choose the school and training program based on their own research and needs to ensure their success. The final decision to award a training scholarship is based on the results of a structured interview with the participant.
To meet eligibility requirements, you must be accredited or become a member of the Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education. Learn more about BPPE, visit their website at
Get started, and create a training provider account by visiting:
CalJOBS℠ Provider User Registration
For additional information or assistance, contact Marion Aiken at or call (707) 863-3594.