The Workforce Development Board of Solano County (WDB) works with stakeholders across the county to improve the workforce development system. The WDB is proud to be a part of the following local initiatives:
Numerous experts anticipate the world will shift to the bioeconomy in the next two decades. The bioeconomy is believed to transform manufacturing processes, be able to support the economic shift to a more environmentally sustainable infrastructure and improve healthcare outcomes for the community. The bioeconomy is anticipated to create 1.1 million high-paying jobs in the US.
This growing economy provides a number of economic and workforce opportunities in Solano County, as a potential hub for regional bioeconomy activities. To capitalize on these opportunities, Solano County will need to build a talent infrastructure and pipeline that begins with strong awareness, accessible on and off ramps into education, and the ability to upskill current workers.
The Core Partners (Workforce Development Board of Solano County, City of Vacaville, Solano Community College, and Solano Economic Development Corporation) narrowed next steps down to three key priorities that would further develop the talent pipeline for the local bioeconomy:
1. Create a local talent attraction plan that encourages more diverse representation throughout career entry points.
2. Provide the needed certifications that demonstrate current in-demand skills identified by industry.
3. Upskill incumbent workers so that local small businesses can take advantage of emerging industry opportunities.
Read the Bioeconomy in Solano County: Developing a Talent Pipeline Infrastructure report.
Industry Sector Initiatives
The WDB is committed to working alongside industry partners and community stakeholders in the region to inclubate and develop workforce solutions for our region’s priorioty industrties. Initiatives driven by industry leaders provide results that meet the real-time needs of businesses and often increase equitable access for all individuals to enter industry careers.

Current WDB Industry Initiatives:
- CNA Upskilling – Using Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Incumbent Worker funding, the WDB is partnering with long-term care facilities to upskill current Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA) with microcredentials. This initiative supports employee retention and improves patient care for the business, and provides skills enhancement tied to wage increases for the employee.
- Bioeconomy Talent Pipeline – The WDB, along with the City of Vacaville, Solano Community College, Solano Economic Development, and other partners, is developing a talent pipeline strategy to improve and coordinate skills training related to the bioeconomy. The bioeconomy includes biomedical, ag tech, and bioindustrial sectors.
- Working Waterfront Coalition – The WDB is a partner of the Working Waterfront Coalition, an Bay Area, industry-led coalition working to build a talent pipeline for waterfront and maritime occupations.
- Summer Youth Climate Transition Work Experience – The WDB partners with Solano Land Trust, Solano County Office of Education, and other partners to host a paid, five-week summer youth work experience centered on climate transition. Youth learn and work at multiple sites to gain experience in water quality, sustainable farming, and land preservation.

Non-Traditional Occupations
A non-traditional occupation (NTO) is a field of work where less than 25% of the people employed are of one gender. Some examples of NTOs include:
- Women in automotive, electronics, construction, chefs, engineering, and welding
- Men in education, nursing, airline attendant, or cosmetology
NTOs can offer higher wages, good benefits, advancement opportunities, and the chance to do work you enjoy. Women in NTOs typically earn 20-30% more than women in traditional occupations, and over a lifetime of work, they will earn 150% more.
Individuals working, or interested in NTOs, can gain support, mentorship, and camaraderie with others through industry associations, such as:
- American Association for Men in Nursing
- National Association of Black Male Educators
- Society of Women Engineers
- TradesWomen, Inc
- Women in Automotive
Considering a non-traditional occupation? We can help connect you to resources, training, and opportunities.
INSPIRE: Dreams Start Now & Move Forward Initiative:
Inspire: Dreams Start Now & Move Forward is a growing Solano County workforce initiative within public K-12 school districts. The program represents a partnership between the unified school districts in Solano County, Chambers of Commerce, and the WDB.
Inspire: Dreams Start Now provides a hands-on career fair like experience for 8th grade students to spend a few hours visiting different exhibit tables of Solano County businesses and organizations to learn about possible career pathways. This early exposure can influence the decisions students make in choosing their high school course work.
Inspire: Dreams Move Forward gives 10th grade students the opportunity for half-day job shadows and industry tours at businesses throughout Solano County. Afterwards students return to their respective schools for lunch with local service clubs, teaching students how to become volunteers and leaders in their community.
To learn more about our local projects and initiatives, contact Heather Henry at or at 707-863-3501.