Local Initiatives

The Workforce Development Board of Solano County (WDB) works with stakeholders across the county to improve the workforce development system. The WDB is proud to be a part of the following local initiatives:

Industry Sector Partnership Initiative

Business leaders from various industry sectors are working together to help form “Industry Sector Partnerships” (ISPs).

The Workforce Development Board of Solano County is committed to working alongside key industry partners and community support partners in the region to incubate successful industry sector partnerships focusing on our region’s most important industries. Industry sector partnerships are the driver of systematic approaches within the industry, led by industry leaders.

What’s an Industry Sector Partnership?

Industry Sector Partnerships are collaborations involving “industry partners,” who represent businesses from a specific industry, working closely with “community support partners,” who represent stakeholders such as workforce development, education, and economic development.They are a place for businesses to collectively address issues related to shared vitality; a single table at which to work with their community support partners; and an opportunity to help create solutions to shared pressing issues.

Partnerships reflect the priorities of the industry. Those priorities may include: talent needs, infrastructure, innovation, regulatory process, branding or industry awareness, or other shared priorities to grow and support the industry as a whole. “Civic Entrepreneurs” (aka Industry Champions) make the best industry partners; they are driven by opportunity, can work collaboratively, and are passionate about their business, industry and community.

Benefits to businesses:
  • Increases outcomes and Return on Investment (ROI) potential
  • Provides a critical forum to connect industry best practices
  • Leverages resources around industries considerations
  • Align system-wide programs around business needs
  • Allows solutions to cross programs and jurisdictions
INSPIRE: Dreams Start Now & Move Forward Initiative:

Inspire: Dreams Start Now & Move Forward is a growing Solano County workforce initiative within public K-12 school districts. The program represents a partnership between the unified school districts in Solano County, Chambers of Commerce, and the WDB.

Inspire: Dreams Start Now provides a hands-on career fair like experience for 8th grade students to spend a few hours visiting different exhibit tables of Solano County businesses and organizations to learn about possible career pathways. This early exposure can influence the decisions students make in choosing their high school course work.

Inspire: Dreams Move Forward will make its debut in January of 2018. This next phase will give 10th grade students the opportunity for half-day job shadows and industry tours at businesses throughout Solano County. Afterwards students will return to their respective schools for lunch with local service clubs, teaching students how to become volunteers and leaders in their community.

To learn more about our local projects and initiatives, contact Heather Henry at hhenry@solanowdb.org or at 707-863-3501.