Our Partners
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act (WIOA) strengthens the ability of the nation’s public workforce system to align investments in workforce development, education and training, and economic development efforts with regional in-demand jobs. WIOA focuses on the importance of providing customers with access to high-quality One-Stop centers (known as the AJCCs) that connect customers with the full range of services available in their communities.
Master MOU
WIOA Master Memorandum of Understanding – 07/01/22-06/30/25
The purpose of the Master MOU is to provide a county-wide agreement that establishes a cooperative working relationship between Solano’s workforce development entities that receive federal workforce funding. By establishing an agreement between workforce entities to work effectively together, the County will ensure access to a high-quality AJCC in Solano that provides comprehensive and multi-faceted workforce services in the community for all customers.
Services include:
1. Support in securing, retaining, and advancing meaningful employment
2. Building of basic educational or occupational skills
3. Pathways to certificates or degrees, including secondary and postsecondary
4. Guidance on choosing and pursuing career pathways
5. Support in identifying, hiring, and advancing skilled workforce
This Master MOU is required to be approved by the WDB and the County prior to the establishment of guidelines regarding financial contributions between the WDB and the partners of the AJCC. Therefore, it is understood that any financial or fiduciary arrangements with the AJCC system are to be outlined in a separate agreement(s) between the partnering agencies.
Partner Agency MOU’s
The Partner Agency MOU incorporated by reference in the Master MOU defines individual AJCC partner contributions and commitments to Solano’s workforce system. Incorporated in each Partner Agency MOU is agreement on the implementation of services within the AJCC system as it relates to shared services, shared customers, referral systems, and shared resources and costs.
Partner Agency MOU Attachments: (click attachment to view)
Attachment A – System Costs Funding – addresses how to sustain the unified system through the use of resource sharing and joint infrastructure cost funding.
Attachment B – AJCC Shared Infrastructure Cost Budget – contains the estimated infrastructure cost and the shared cost attributable to each participating partner, as applicable.
Attachment C – AJCC Shared System Services – lists the services provided to persons seeking assistance and to businesses.
Attachment D – AJCC System Points of Contact – lists access to services via physical sites, electronic and other connections.
To view the Partner Agency MOU between WDB and it’s AJCC Partner, please click on the partner name below.