WIOA Guidance

WIOA Guidance

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) was signed by President Barack Obama on July 22, 2014 after passing Congress with bipartisan support. WIOA reauthorizes and augments the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998.

To learn more about the WIOA law, visit the following resources:

View WIOA required local area policies in place for participant and administrative activies on our Policies page. The WDB of Solano County is responsible for developing and disseminating policies for Solano County.


WIOA requires state, regional, and local strategic plans that provide a road map for workforce activities in the years to come.

View the 2024-2027 California Unified Strategic Workforce Development Plan focused on fostering demand-driven skills attainment; enabling upward mobility for all Californians; and aligning, coordinating, and integrating programs and services.

The WDB is pleased to announce the Draft 2025-2028 Local Workforce Plan is available for public comment. The plan outlines Solano’s key workforce strategies over the next four years, as well as analysis of the current labor market and descriptions of WIOA services in the county. Public comments on the plan are due no later than 5:00 p.m. Thursday, March 27, 2025, and can be submitted to Heather Henry at hhenry@solanowdb.org.

The WDB, in partnership with the Sonoma Workforce Investment Board and the Workforce Alliance of the North Bay is pleased to announce the Draft 2025-2028 Regional Workforce Plan is available for public comment. The plan outlines the North Bay workforce region’s priority industry, as well as analysis of the current labor market and ways the north bay workforce boards will align with the State’s vision of WIOA services. Public comments on the regional plan are due no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, March 14, 2025 and can be submitted toHeather Henry at hhenry@solanowdb.org.


The North Bay Regional Planning Unit, aslo known as North Bay Employment Connection (NBEC) consists of Sonoma Workforce Investment Board, Workforce Alliance of the North Bay (including Lake, Marin, Mendocino, and Napa Counties), and Workforce Development Board of Solano County.


The local plan provides a road map for the WIOA workforce development system in Solano County.

WIOA Performance & Accountability

WIOA performance measurement and accountability is one of the 13 primary local board duties. The specific programmatic performance metrics are established by WIOA federal law for Title I Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth programs.

Solano County local workforce area performance indicators and outcomes: