Office Safety Survey Dear Team, As part of our ongoing commitment to ensuring a safe and secure working environment, we would appreciate your feedback on the current safety measures and practices in our office. Your responses will help us identify areas for improvement and ensure that our workplace remains safe for everyone. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey. Your feedback is anonymous and will be used solely to enhance our safety protocols.How familiar are you with the office's safety policies and procedures?(Required) Very familiar Somewhat familiar Not very familiar Not familiar at all How would you rate the overall safety of the office environment?(Required) Excellent Good Fair Poor Please explain your rating.(Required)Are the emergency exits and evacuation routes clearly marked and accessible?(Required) Yes, always Mostly Sometimes No, rarely How satisfied are you with the office's lighting and visibility?(Required) Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Unsatisfied Very unsatisfied Are there any areas of the office that you believe are particularly unsafe? (Please describe.)(Required)How would you rate the condition of the office equipment and furniture?(Required) Excellent Good Fair Poor Please explain your rating.(Required)Have you encountered any equipment or maintenance issues that could pose a safety risk?(Required) Yes No If yes, please explain.(Required)Are you satisfied with the cleanliness and hygiene practices in the office?(Required) Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Unsatisfied Very unsatisfied Please explain your rating.(Required)Do you feel that there are adequate facilities and supplies for maintaining personal hygiene (e.g., hand sanitizers, soap, paper towels)?(Required) Yes No If no, please specify.(Required)Do you feel that your personal safety is adequately protected in the office?(Required) Yes No If no, please describe.(Required)Have you experienced or witnessed any unsafe behavior or conditions that need to be addressed?(Required) Yes No If yes, please describe.(Required)Are you aware of the procedures for reporting safety hazards or incidents?(Required) Yes No How effective do you find the response to safety concerns or incidents reported?(Required) Very effective Effective Neutral Ineffective Very ineffective Please explain your rating.(Required)Do you have any suggestions for improving safety in the office?Please provide any additional comments or concerns regarding office safety.Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us create a safer work environment for everyone. Best regards, The WDB Safety Committee