The Workforce Development Board of Solano County occasionally issues a Request for Proposal (RFP) or Request for Quote (RFQ) for a wide range of services and programs to continue its work to build and sustain a skilled workforce, a vibrant economy, and create a shared prosperity for the community of Solano County. RFP/RFQ opportunites are based on federal, state, and local funding and initiatives. Solicitations are based on specific requirements and parameters of these funders.
Questions regarding each RFP or RFQ opportunity should be directed to the designated contact for each solicitation.
To be notified of opportunities as they become available, please email us at opportunities@solanowdb.org with your request.
Please see below for upcoming and current opportunities.
Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act
Youth Program: Career in Focus
Proposals due by 4:30 p.m. on April 14, 2025
The Workforce Development Board (WDB) of Solano County is issuing this Request for Proposal (RFP) to interested and qualified respondents to provide Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Youth and Young Adult Programs for Out-Of-School Youth (OSY) participants ages 16-24. Respondents are invited to submit proposals in accordance with the instructions of this RFP.
click on the event to join
Graphic Design Services
The Workforce Development Board (WDB) of Solano County has completed its evaluation of quotes in response to the RFQ for Graphic Design Services.
The following organization is the apparent best-evaluated proposers that the WDB will consider for contract:
- Pat Davies Design Group (PDDG)
In accordance with the subject RFQ and WDB policy, the notice shall not create rights, interests, or claims of entitlement in the apparent best-evaluated proposer(s) or any vendors. No proposer shall acquire any such rights unless and until a contract in fully signed by all appropriate WDB and County officials.
Solano Opportunity Youth Research Report
The Workforce Development Board (WDB) of Solano County has completed its evaluation of quotes in response to the RFQ for Solano Opportunity Youth Reserach Report.
The following organization is the apparent best-evaluated proposers that the WDB will consider for contract:
- Harder+Company Community Research
In accordance with the subject RFQ and WDB policy, the notice shall not create rights, interests, or claims of entitlement in the apparent best-evaluated proposer(s) or any vendors. No proposer shall acquire any such rights unless and until a contract in fully signed by all appropriate WDB and County officials.
Climate Curriculum Development for Workforce Training
The Workforce Development Board (WDB) of Solano County has completed its evaluation of quotes in response to the RFQ for Climate Curriculum Development for Workforce Training.
The following organization is the apparent best-evaluated proposers that the WDB will consider for contract:
- Strategic Energy Innovations
In accordance with the subject RFQ and WDB policy, the notice shall not create rights, interests, or claims of entitlement in the apparent best-evaluated proposer(s) or any vendors. No proposer shall acquire any such rights unless and until a contract in fully signed by all appropriate WDB and County officials.
Community Investment Acheivers Youth Work Experience Program
The Workforce Development Board (WDB) of Solano County has completed its evaluation of quotes in response to the RFQ for Community Investment Achievers Youth Work Experience Program.
The following organization is the apparent best-evaluated proposers that the WDB will consider for contract:
- Student Conservation Association (SCA)
In accordance with the subject RFQ and WDB policy, the notice shall not create rights, interests, or claims of entitlement in the apparent best-evaluated proposer(s) or any vendors. No proposer shall acquire any such rights unless and until a contract in fully signed by all appropriate WDB and County officials.
Climate Career Ready Summer Youth Work Experience Program 2025
The Workforce Development Board (WDB) of Solano County has completed its evaluation of quotes in response to the RFQ for Climate Career Ready Summer Youth Work Experience Program.
The following organization is the apparent best-evaluated proposers that the WDB will consider for contract:
- Student Conservation Association (SCA)
In accordance with the subject RFQ and WDB policy, the notice shall not create rights, interests, or claims of entitlement in the apparent best-evaluated proposer(s) or any vendors. No proposer shall acquire any such rights unless and until a contract in fully signed by all appropriate WDB and County officials.
Career Mapping Visuals