
Bringing Wellness into the Workplace Seminar

Bringing Wellness into the Workplace Sponsored by the Workforce Development Board of Solano County Description We are living in challenging times that are creating more stress, which often leads to BURNOUT. It’s time to take a closer look at how to stop burnout, before it starts, and how to bring more Wellness into the Workplace. […]


Meet & Greet – Fairfield

Join us for MEET & GREET! Whether you are looking for a job, career change, or skill development, we can help! Learn how WDB can help you get back to work including free access to job search tools, access to basic services and enrolled services. Walk-ins are welcome! Please arrive early as late arrivals will […]


Planning Your Job Search Workshop

Let's face it. The job market has changed! This workshop will help you identify high-demand industries and in-demand jobs, as well as share great tips on how to job search during the pandemic. Managing your personal life can become overwhelming at times but adding time to job search can really take a toll on your […]


Meet & Greet – Vallejo

Join us for MEET & GREET! Whether you are looking for a job, career change, or skill development, we can help! Learn how WDB can help you get back to work including free access to job search tools, access to basic services and enrolled services. Walk-ins are welcome! Please arrive early as late arrivals will […]


CASAS Assessment – WDB Vallejo

The Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment Systems (CASAS) test is used to determine a person's skill level in math and reading. This assessment is offered free of charge and is available to the public at the following location: Workforce Development Board of Solano County 1440 Marin Street Vallejo, CA No appointment is necessary! Please arrive 10 […]


CASAS Assessment – Vacaville Public Library

The Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment Systems (CASAS) test is used to determine a person's skill level in math and reading. This assessment is offered free of charge and is available to the public at the following location: Vacaville Cultural Center Library 1020 Ulatis Drive Vacaville, CA 95687 No appointment is necessary! Please arrive 10 minutes […]


Typing Test/Certification

Do you need to take a typing test? Do you need a certificate? The Workforce Development Board of Solano County offers FREE typing tests and certificates at the Fairfield location. Typing tests are available every Monday at 10:30 a.m. and Friday at 2:30 p.m. No appointment is necessary. Please arrive early as late arrivals will […]


CASAS Assessment – WDB Fairfield

The Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment Systems (CASAS) test is used to determine a person's skill level in math and reading. This assessment is offered free of charge and is available to the public at the following location: Workforce Development Board of Solano County 500 Chadbourne Road, Suite A Fairfield, CA 94534 No appointment is necessary! […]


Typing Test/Certification

Do you need to take a typing test? Do you need a certificate? The Workforce Development Board of Solano County offers FREE typing tests and certificates at the Fairfield location. Typing tests are available every Monday at 10:30 a.m. and Friday at 2:30 p.m. No appointment is necessary. Please arrive early as late arrivals will […]


How Do You Look on Paper? Workshop

We all basically know what our skills are, or do we? Can you effectively show what you can do on paper? This workshop will teach you the concepts of job content skills, self-management skills, transferable skills, and how to identify the skills you possess to impress your potential employer. Get basic advice and quality tips […]


How Do You Look on Paper? Workshop

We all basically know what our skills are, or do we? Can you effectively show what you can do on paper? This workshop will teach you the concepts of job content skills, self-management skills, transferable skills, and how to identify the skills you possess to impress your potential employer. Get basic advice and quality tips […]

Vallejo Career Fair

The Solano WDB and Solano Community College are partnering to offer an in-person Career Fair at Solano Community College's Vallejo Campus. WHEN: October 24, 2023 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. WHERE: Solano Community College, 545 Columbus Parkway, Vallejo, CA 94591 Pre-registration is encouraged! If you are a business that would like to participate in […]