Employment Application

Employment Application

An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employment/ADA Compliant Employer
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Your Email Address(Required)
Driver's License, if applicable
Do you currently have or can obtain a valid driver’s license?
Has(ve) your license(s) ever been suspended or revoked?


(click the “+” sign to add more rows, if applicable)
High School/GED(Required)
Institution Name
Graduate (Yes/No)
College or University
Institution Name
Graduate (Yes/No)
Units Completed
Major (Indicate Graduate Study & Degree)
Other Training
Other Training: Business, Military, Nursing, etc.
Name of Certificate/Credential
Expiration Date
Please indicate level of expertise (beginner, intermediate, or advanced)
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Outlook
Other Training
Other Skills:
Please indicate level of fluency (read, write, or both) If more than one, click the “+” sign to add more rows.


List your present or most recent employer first. Account for all time during the past five years. If needed, click the “+” sign to add more rows.
Your Previous Employers(Required)
Dates of Employment
Full Time/Part Time
Job Title
Job Duties
Contact Information
Reason for Leaving
Please list non-paid experience which might be considered in evaluating your qualifications for this position. If you wish, you may exclude names of orngaizations which may reveal your race, religion, national origin or ancestry, disability, or other protected status.
Please include any professional honors, awards or organizations. If you wish, you may exclude names of orngaizations which may reveal your race, religion, national origin or ancestry, disability, or other protected status.
List below the names of three persons (not relatives) who know of your work and may be used as confidential references. The Workforce Development Board reserves the right to contact such persons by mail/email, by telephone or in person. Although every attempt is made to maintain confidentiality, applicants should recognize that a broad spectrum of personnel may be involved in the screening process.
Physical Address or Email Address
Phone Number (include area code)
Job Title
Physical Address or Email Address
Phone Number (include area code)
Job Title
Physical Address or Email Address
Phone Number (include area code)
Job Title


Can you, after employment, submit verification of your legal right to work in the Unites States?(Required)
Can you, after employment provide reliable transportation, if required, for the position in which you are applying?(Required)
Have you ever been dismissed or resigned from a position to avoid being dismissed from employment for misconduct or unsatisfactory service?(Required)
Are there any limitations that may prevent you from performing the required job duties for the position in which you are applying?(Required)
Upload your resume in .pdf, .doc or .docx format
Max. file size: 25 MB.
By signing below, I understand that any omission or misrepresentation of matieral fact in this application may result in refusal of our separation from employment. I hereby authorize the Workforce Development Board of Solano County to make any investigation of my background deemed necessary. i authorize my former employers to give any information regarding my employment. I hereby release them and their company from all damages whatsoever for issuing the same.
Clear Signature
MM slash DD slash YYYY