Community Impact
Building and sustaining a strong workforce system is a community-wide effort. The Workforce Development Board of Solano County works with stakeholders to make positive impact in the communtiy. The WDB helps support the talent development system through critical services for businesses and job seekers, and continues to strive for strong outcomes.
NBEC – North Bay Employment Connection
Solano County is part of the North Bay Workforce Region, collective called the North Bay Employment Connection. Through regional partnerships and initiatives, the WDB can leverage funds and services to make a wider and more powerful impact on the economy and in the community.
NBEC is a collaborative of the Solano & Sonoma County Workforce Development Boards (WDBs), and newly formed joint powers authority Workforce Alliance of the North Bay (Napa-Lake, Marin & Mendocino WDBs). As a collaborative, NBEC and its core partners are dedicated to supporting businesses in key North Bay industry sectors, and make smart investments for the region’s workforce systems. Over $12 million has been secured in competitive state and federal grants to enhance NBEC’s capacity to serve the employer and jobseeker communities.